The Ancient Thai Massage Studio Taiwan

 Affiliated with Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai (TMC)

 台灣 泰國古法按摩工作室   清邁泰式按摩學校(TMC)授權教學機構

Foundation of Thai Massage Level 1   泰式按摩 初階

The schedule is flexible, arrangement only on the weekend, once a week or every night etc. is available. Following is 5 days schedule for your reference.
課程的安排是彈性的,只安排在週末,一週一次或者安排在每天晚上等都是可以的。 下面是五天的課程內容提供給你作為參考。

Foundation of Thai Massage Level 1
Foundation of Thai Massage Level 1

The Ancient Thai Massage Studio Taiwan